4 weeks ago

Empowering Women: The IWFSA Facet Women’s Leadership Program

Discover the inspiring journey of the IW FSA Facet Women’s Leadership Program, a transformative initiative aimed at increasing the representation of women in executive management and leadership roles in South Africa. This video highlights the program’s vision to create a more equitable society by empowering women through world-class academic modules, expert conversations, group coaching, and one-on-one mentoring. Learn how this program, launched in 2022 by three visionary organizations, is paving the way for a new generation of women leaders who are changing the face of business and society. With a goal of graduating 1,000 women by 2025, the IW FSA Facet Women’s Leadership Program is making a significant impact on the private and public sectors. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of these trailblazers and their journey towards a brighter tomorrow. #WomenInLeadership #Empowerment #IWFSALeaders

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